Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Change is here

You can make a difference.  Join now ! Make a change in the world.

The truth...

Estimate of 5 million people in Canada are poor, 1.3 million of them are children.
You need proper rest or nutrition ( example : children cannot develop normally or learn easily.)

A new way to eliminate poverty ?

Some people think that one way to eliminate poverty would be to give all Canadians a guaranteed annual income (GAI). It's when a set amount of money that all Canadian adults would receive to ensure enough money to pay for necessities: food, clothing and shelter.

Government already provided more money for the elderly why not for the poor?

PLUS----> The shortage of social housing : low-income households must be spent as a greater proportion of their income on rent. This results in they have less money left over food, transportation etc...

Is poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish?

People with Disabilities

Children with disabilities are guaranteed an education by the Charter but schools cannot meet their needs on a full time basis.
(Example: In 2001, an Ottawa father went to court to force one of the local public schools to accept his 9 year old son, Zachary, as a full time student. The school argued that it didn't have the funds to assist Zachary for more than two days per week. The poor boy has a seizure disorder and almost no speech. At first he got arrested for taking his son to school on the other three days but later the charges against him were dropped.)

(These poor sweet children are still experiencing barriers to achieving equality.)

~ The only disability in life is a bad attitude. ~

Being gay is not a crime!

In the past homosexuality was seen as a crime and punishments. (imprisonment, torture and deaths) In Britain until 1861, any man convicted of having an infidelity with another man could receive a death penalty.

In 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn ( a gay bar in New York City) Estimate of 400 people, the riot. Four police officers were injured and 13 rioters were arrested. First time that a group of homosexual people had resisted arrest and fought back.

In 1996, federal government added" sexual orientation" to the Canadian Human Rights Act.

-----> it meant that homosexuals were now protected from discrimination.
EXCEPT sexual orientation was not included in the Charter.

Would you rather ?

Say yes to rights for the gay men and lesbian !

Immigration Act, 1976

The Immigration Act, 1976 divides persons entering Canada into four categories: visitors, family class immigrants, independent class immigrants, and refugees.

Category                                  Description
Visitors                            Visitors are persons lawfully in Canada for temporary purposes                                            (e.g., tourists,                 students, temporary workers, and business travellers.)

Family Class Immigrants    Canadian citizens or permanent residents can sponsor the immigration of close family relatives if they are willing and able to provide for their housing, food, clothing, medical care etc...

Independent Class Immigrants   They are individuals seeking better economic opportunities ( e.g., workers, entrepreneurs, and self-employed professionals.)

Refugees                        Must establish that they have a "well-founded" fear of being persecuted in the country of their nationality for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of particular social group or political opinion. Once a claim has been approved, the refugee can apply to become a permanent resident of Canada

Wartime Discrimination

Ukrainian Canadians ---> "enemy aliens" because many had come to Canada from Austria-Hungary. ( Britain's enemy during the war) It fell under the War Measures Act in 1914 which was shortly after the war broke out. The government got great power. ( Example: to arrest people without charging them with any offence.)

5000 Ukrainians were imprisoned under the War Measures Act and 80 000 were enemy aliens.

Japanese Canadians were usually targeted during World War II because before the war they had endured anti-Asian discrimination. This was caused when the japanese attacked Pearl Harbour ( <--- bad choice ! )
Canada refused entry to thousands of Jewish refugees escaping persecution in Nazi Germany or else it'll upset Canada's ethnic balance. Anti-Semitishm and anti-immigrant feelings were strong in Canada at that time. Refugees were forced to return to Europe where perished later during the Holocaust.

Case of Legal Discrimination?

( has had an effect in shaping Canadian society and culture.)

Canada was not always embraced on the idea of multiculturalism. But now they are with pride to the cultural diversity of their country. :)

Nisga's !

The Nisga's Case
The Case was the first treaty ever signed between a Native group and the British Columbia government. 

(they received under the following terms : )

  • ownership of approximately 2000km2 of land
  • the right to establish a Nisga's government
  • ownership of surface and subsurface resources on their lands
  • a commercial fishery
  • 190$million, payable over 15 years

The final agreement also declared that personal income-tax exemptions for the them would be phased out over 12 years. The Criminal Code and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms still apply to them.

This was a happy day for the Native people but during the same time there were unhappy people. Neil Skerrik, a Gitxsan leader, declared that the Nisga's claimed more than they deserved. Surprisingly some Non-Natives complained that the treaty making excluded local Non-Natives and that the negotiations were not made openly.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

John Wooden Legs, Cheyenne

"Our land is everything to us... I will tell you one of the things we remember on our land. We remember that our grandfathers paid for it - with their lives."

Native Peoples Barriers :(

In Quebec and the Maritimes, the French and British formed military alliances and partnerships with First Nations. The Europeans depended on the allies to maintain the fur trade. ( also during military conflicts such as the Seven Years' War. )
The Royal Proclamation of 1763, made Britain the only agent for land transfers between the Native peoples and settlers. It also meant they could be surrendered only to the Crown's representatives at public meetings. "Magna Carta"---> the only important legal document left that recognizes Native people as nations.
The government of Canada concluded the series of land agreements with Native peoples living on Western Canada... PURPOSE: to force peaceful removal of native peoples from their lands to make way for European settlement.  THUMBS DOWN ! :(
The Indian Act, passed by federal government in 1868. It declared that Native men who married non-Native women kept their Indian status, while Native women who married non-Native men lost theirs. BOOOOOO! :(                    
Not until 1960's the government gave money to the Christian churches to operate residential schools for Native children. This was a horrific moment for the children because they got taken away from their families and boarded at the school. They would face punishment if they spoke their own language. Most of the children were physically and sexually abused! :O
The Prime Minister Trudeau released its White Paper. ( this document emphasis on individual rights over collective rights.) Meaning : Native peoples had NO special status and called for the withdrawel of the Indian Act and existing treaties. Proposed : "to enable the Indian people to be free to develop Indian culture in an environment of legal, social and economic equality with other Canadians. IN RESULT : made Native people more eager to fight ! >:(
Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color.  ~Author Unknown

Do YOU know the meaning?!

Pay Equity ;
The priniciple of equal payment for work of equal value. It is the law. 
In 1983, women were not equally paid the same as men. In 1998, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruled that these female employees have been discriminated against over so many years and ordered the federal government to pay billions of dollars back in wages. Men and women should be paid equally and no discrimination should be held against women!

Employment Equility ;
The principle of equal treatment of all employees based on their abilities. 
In 1995, federal government passed the Employment Equity act to correct discrimination by certain groups.  Mostly aimed to protect women, Native peoples, people with disabilities and members of visible minorities. The Canadian military is an example of an organization that has not accepted women easily.

World War II

After some research i found out that during World War II, 45 000 Canadian women joined the army. Their jobs included nurses, drivers, firefighters and radio technicians. They were paid 20% less than men who held the same rank. ( OUTRAGEOUS! ) >:(
In 1960, Prime Minister John Diefenbaker passed the canadian Bill of Rights, the first human rights legislation in Canada. It helped pave the way for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In 1982, protection of women's rights was set forth in the Charter. Section 28: "equally to male and female persons."

Women Elected to the House of Commons

Year                           Number of Women Elected
1979                                         10
1980                                         14
1984                                         27
1988                                         39
1993                                         53
1997                                         62
2000                                         56

The Famous Five

These five Alberta feminists wanted to know the true meaning of "persons" who qualified for appointment to the Senate included women. The five determined women appealed this decision to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Britain. In 1929, the British court overruled the Supreme Court of Canada's decision and said that women were indeed legal "persons" who qualified for the appointment to the Senate. In 1930, Carine Wilson became the first woman to be appointed to the Senate. By 2001, 34 of the 105 Canadian senators were female! :)

Nellie McClung ;
Influencial politician who fought for "equal pay for equal word."

Emily Murphy
; First female judge to be appointed in Canada (1916). Writer, politician, and advocate for women's rights.

Irene Parlby ; Elected to the Alberta Legislative Assembly in 1921 and appointed to the cabinet. Canada's representative to the League of Nations in 1930.

Henrietta Edwards ; Expert on the legal status of women and children in Canada. Fought for Mother' Allowance (government money to help families raise children.)
Louise McKinney ; In 1997, the first women to be elected to a provincial legislature. ( Alberta)

Did you know ?

Important words ; 

Suffrage- the right to vote
Feminist- a person that believed that women should have the same rights as men. ( Example: Dr.Emily Stowe, established the first suffrage organization in Canada.)
Collective rights- rights that come from having occupied Canada for thousands of years as distinct nations.
Assimilated- absorbed
Employment equity- the principle of equal treatment of all employees based on their abilities.
Guaranteed annual income ( GAI)- guaranteed income is a set amount of money that all Canadian adults would receive.
Social housing- inexpensive housing for low-income Canadians.

Important facts ;

  • Manitoba was the first province to give women the right to vote in 1916.
  • The courts have played a major role in defining Aboriginal rights.
  • First Nations leaders' goal is Self-government.
  • The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, 2001, replaced the Immigration Act, 1976.
  • Estimation of 5 million Canadian live in poverty.
Women ;

  • Not allowed to vote or run for political offices.
  • Excluded from universities and professional schools.
  • Working class women worked beside their husbands in factory.
  • Middle class women stayed at home to take care of husband and children.
  • Few career opportunities for middle-class women.
Quote of the day ;
Never let the hand you hold, hold you down.  ~Author Unknown

SAY NO  ! ----> Illegal to discriminate on the basis of value.
Fact of the day ;
A barrier to achieving equality is anything that prevents someone from participating fully in society. (Example: Today most people take for granted the right to vote, but for years women have denied this basic right and therefore can't fully participate in democracy of Canada.)
“Never underestimate the power of a woman,”  by Nellie McClung