Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Native Peoples Barriers :(

In Quebec and the Maritimes, the French and British formed military alliances and partnerships with First Nations. The Europeans depended on the allies to maintain the fur trade. ( also during military conflicts such as the Seven Years' War. )
The Royal Proclamation of 1763, made Britain the only agent for land transfers between the Native peoples and settlers. It also meant they could be surrendered only to the Crown's representatives at public meetings. "Magna Carta"---> the only important legal document left that recognizes Native people as nations.
The government of Canada concluded the series of land agreements with Native peoples living on Western Canada... PURPOSE: to force peaceful removal of native peoples from their lands to make way for European settlement.  THUMBS DOWN ! :(
The Indian Act, passed by federal government in 1868. It declared that Native men who married non-Native women kept their Indian status, while Native women who married non-Native men lost theirs. BOOOOOO! :(                    
Not until 1960's the government gave money to the Christian churches to operate residential schools for Native children. This was a horrific moment for the children because they got taken away from their families and boarded at the school. They would face punishment if they spoke their own language. Most of the children were physically and sexually abused! :O
The Prime Minister Trudeau released its White Paper. ( this document emphasis on individual rights over collective rights.) Meaning : Native peoples had NO special status and called for the withdrawel of the Indian Act and existing treaties. Proposed : "to enable the Indian people to be free to develop Indian culture in an environment of legal, social and economic equality with other Canadians. IN RESULT : made Native people more eager to fight ! >:(

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